Dancing Christmas Tree

Fortunately this perennial favorite never got packed away with the Christmas decorations last year, so I was able to find it and restore it to its rightful place on the fridge. It has enjoyed this spot on several different fridges for every year for about twenty years…ever since Will made it in preschool. He obviously didn’t neatly print his name in the lower right hand corner and there has been much family discussion over how much ‘help’ he had in making it. Nevertheless I love it.

The black construction paper background is now slightly rusty looking, and it is affixed to the current fridge with tape instead of magnets because magnets don’t work on stainless steel….but it just wouldn’t be Christmas without it….

The less said about my back the better. The atmospheric river has arrived and there is no going outside anyway, but it is certainly putting a big dent in what little we planned to do to prepare for Christmas.

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