Tiny Nest....

...made by a hummingbird. I wish the picture conveyed how soft yet strong this marble sized nest is. Part of what fascinates me so much about birds' nests is 1) How these little houses can be constructed with nothing but a beak to weave such a variety of materials so sturdily 2) The materials chosen and how much they differ from one species to another.

There was frost on the rooftops this morning and probably elsewhere as well, but I didn't get out early enough to explore. In fact, nothing could drag me out in to the -2C predawn cold. The frost had melted away once the sun rose over the hills and we had finished our Pilates class. The teacher and the participants were all wearing sweat pants and down vests for the duration of the class....

This afternoon I made a couple of placemats and napkins for a wee housewarming present for the neighbors who are moving in on Thursday. I had made a trial sample for my next quilt project...enough to decide I didn't want to make a whole quilt...so I cut apart the long strip to make the placemats. Newly rebuilt houses tend to look like hotel rooms since in most cases all the contents were lost in the fire as well as the house, so it seems like something home made, or at least doesn't look brand new, is called for. 

The darkness is falling and the temperature is dropping. Time to fire up the gas fireplace (with a remote control, which always amuses me), not to mention the evening news which is turned on with a different remote control. Speaking of television, I can look into the window of a newly built house above us and see what I assume is a television as it moves and changes color, but it seems to be on all the time....

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