Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Clearing up

You could say that a few things were cleared up today - like what our Government has to say about Christmas and gatherings - but my photo today is very specific to Dunoon. I had to go down the town today to pick up some more LFD test kits (yes, I got some, though I was rationed to one pack till they get more in) and have a talk with the pharmacist about the "additional ingredients" in some pills which I think I'm allergic to ...Anyway, that over, because it was Tuesday and because the weather was dreary and because Himself had taken himself off to practise the organ, I decided I'd not go straight home and instead pottered off along Argyll Street to see how the debris from August's arson attack was being cleared. 

Followers of my journal may recall the entry where I posted my photo of the fire as it happened; the remains of the four shops have sat there in great heaps of rubble ever since, while people sorted out insurance, apparently. I read in the local paper on Friday that it was going to be cleared. When I arrived today, the bulldozer was in my friend Charlie's former shop, tearing down the wall with the dark red paper on it. I think the photo shows how I felt today - there's an emptiness about it, reflected in the very small number of people I saw while I was out.

I'm much cheerier now because we've just had our final rehearsal for our Carol Service in the freezing church - I dress as for an Arctic expedition and am perfectly toasty. I'm not thinking about numbers or restrictions or whatever edicts come from on high (no - not that High) tonight: it's beyond the pay grade of a mere musician. We sang, we laughed, the singers who aren't members of our church vanished into their cars at the end and the three of us who are at home in the building stayed to chat. 

Sanity matters.

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