You Don't Know What You've Got...

... Until it's scone.

Another active day, with Gary plastering inside the extension and me applying weathershield water repellent spray to the outside. It protects the new brickwork apparently, against water ingress and frost damage. Sounds good to me.

Took Hollie out for a nice little run this afternoon, and then took Kitty out for an even nicer one. Kitty has a discreet little button with a little white letter 'S' on it. Ooh I wonder what that does... Now I know. If you have ever been to Alton Towers you will know the feeling. Let's just say I am thinking of renaming the car Rita.

I had to go out to check the tyre pressures, did that first before they had warmed up, then had a little run out. To check everything was working OK, you understand...

A lovely surprise when I got back, our neighbour brought over some still-warm home made mince pies. Such good friends, a real treat to have people like that living nearby. We reciprocate of course. Mrs I often gifts them sausage rolls and pork pie from Bennetts The Butcher. Only the best, and totally delicious.

So, all in all a nice day. But. 

Mrs I had had an eye appointment and the news is sobering. She has been diagnosed with caterracts and will need to have them corrected in the new year. Not great but fairly common apparently and a procedure with a high degree of success, so fingers crossed and hopefully she will be able to carry on a normal life when it's done...

The weekend is here so I hope everyone has survived another week and can enjoy a restful weekend. Stay safe and don't run with scissors! 

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