
By misswinterfinch

Home in December

Today seems to end the lovely Spring-like t-shirt weather we have enjoyed for over a week-- which I have failed to blip for you because I have just been cruising along. The Nobel Balsam fir was planted 13 years ago-- how magnificently it has reached well above my home.
Now the snows are coming in and the remaining Christmas cards have not been written or sent. One package must be wrapped and mailed out of state before too late. The post office says today is too late! I don't know how Santa does it all without getting himself high BP... or maybe he has it.
I visited my kidney specialist yesterday who said it is too much of a risk for me to go to our Christmas party unless everyone wears a mask! Ha! Fat chance. I was not sure if all guests were vaccinated.
Anyway, we have arranged a small family only gathering to exchange gifts later on Christmas Day. Medical people do not yet know if they are expecting a tidal wave of Covid Omicron or not. It is a tense time for doctors and nurses.
The Rule here in NY State is everyone has to wear a mask when publically  indoors. Some counties have objected because they do not know how the stores will enforce the Rule.
I went shopping at WalMart early today (to get ahead of the snowstorm). They have two entrees to the store and each has a security person with boxes of masks and hand sanitizer available. No problem. We are all so well-trained compared to 2 years ago when there was some open rebellion and more big security guys were needed.
Everyone just needs to behave and get their Christmas shopping done! Remember Santa is still watching and keeping his list. [Just thinking how that pressure thought kept children behaving and controlled just believing someone invisible was watching and keeping track! Early childhood Paranoia?]

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