Last Day

Today was our last day at Disneyland. We got up early-ish and packed up. Then it was into the park for last few hours.
We were very organised and while Miss E and I went on Star Tours Mr K and Miss L went to FastPass Thunder Mountain
FastPass has been fantastic this week - you scan your ticket at a ride and it gives you a half hour window later in the day to go back and ride with a minimal queue. It really is satisfying to walk past all the people who have been queueing for up to an hour and sail on rides in front of them!! Because Miss L couldn't go on some of the rides we were uber organised and got four FastPasses at a time which meant Miss E could go on with me and Mr K and then she could go on again straightaway with Nana and Papa. It's fab and it's free!! Genius!
We had a yummy burger lunch and then set off for home. With a brief detour to buy Disney mugs with E and L on, a couple of balloons and a fridge magnet. Clearly our budget went out of the window once the end was in sight.
£17 for a couple of balloons anyone?!!!!!
Then we squeezed ourselves into the car for seven hours. Nice.
The journey was surprisingly quick and uneventful.
Apart from when I opened my door whilst we were travelling at 80mph on the motorway!
I'd meant to open the window and threaten to throw Miss L's balloon out because she wouldn't stop banging it against the back of my chair. Having wrestled the enormous unwieldy bloody thing off her and through to the front I clearly lost my mind, reached down and opened the door....
Then, not being able to shut it I thrust the balloon at Mr K. It is huge (and has ears) therefore blocked his view of the road completely. Honestly, it was like something out of National Lampoon!!!
Eventually I got the door shut, retrieved the offending balloon and spent the next ten minutes trying to stop laughing.
This has been such a fantastic trip! I often struggle to reconcile the reality of holidays with my expectations. I have such high hopes and I forget that it can be difficult and stressful and that the Little Misses will drive me mad. Their let's-have-a-perfect-harmonious-easy-relaxing-holiday gene often seems a bit faulty and I end up disappointed and sad.....
At first. It generally sorts itself out once we've all settled down a bit.
But this holiday really has been wonderful. Apart from having to screech at have words with Miss E on Thursday that she bloody well couldn't go swimming and she could bloody well enjoy herself at Disneyland there truly hasn't been a cross word. Between any of us - the kids, me and Mr K, me and my parents.
A little bit of that Disney magic rubbed off on us I think!

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