Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Best Christmas present!

Mum and Dad were here today as the wretched new variant made it sensible to split the days rather than them come here after my sister's on Christmas Day.  I had a lovely special present from Dad.  A circular saw!  I was super pleased and next year we will be setting me up a workbench in the garage and I have a few projects in mind so it will be very handy!  It was so kind and thoughtful of him.

Mum and Dad were great with Mr T today, Mum made us her super tasty pasties for lunch.  We were all chatting and it got a bit confusing for Mr T (he's still waiting for his hearing aids) and he seemed overwhelmed so we left him in peace, which he told me was a bit quiet.  He wasn't aware that he was acting out of character and he's ok tonight, but a bit quiet.  First thing he was quite chatty but just before lunch he started to flag, and that is when he would normally nap.

Now, I have decided Mum is a bad influence on the Elves and told them to cause trouble.  They tried to use the saw to cut the ginger cake and one elf lost both arms!

I had a lovely ink dipping pen set and some drill widgets from Mum and Dad and Mr T had a weighted Koala from the same place as the weighted blanket.

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