Hill walk

Ailie and I had a plan to do a walk from Alwinton today. I wanted to drive her as I’m trying to regain my confidence.

But first I had to take a sample into the surgery, as requested by the nurse who prescribed the statins and upped the BP meds. When I got back into the car the key fob wouldn’t start the engine. I held it in my hand to warm it up and eventually it worked but a message appeared saying the fob battery needed replacing. So I had to drive home again to get the other key fob, making me late to pick up.

We decided that the low cloud made the 8 mile Copper Snout walk unrealistic, so we walked up the Clennell road (seen below Ailie on the right) and turned up the hills just before Kidlandlee. It was a gentle pull onto the moor before the 2.5 miles down to Alwinton. It was only 5 miles.

During the walk the GP rang me asking why I’d taken the sample in - apparently I need a blood test not urine for the tests required. II was a bit annoyed as it was the nurse who gave me the sample container and told me to have it done. Now I need to get another appointment to get bloods done. In addition I was told by the Xray person to ring today if I’d not had the shoulder results, but when I asked the GP when she was on the phone she didn’t know what I was talking about as nothing was on my file. I know it’s nothing really when there’s almost 100,000 new Covid cases a day this nonsense it is using valuable NHS time.

The friend with Covid sent her husband round with a Christmas present today. He says he thinks he had it before her but they googled and thought he was getting withdrawal symptoms from painkillers he’d been on. She’s still very rough after 9 days.

So if anyone gets a bad headache that doesn’t lift, plus loss of appetite and feels lousy - despite a negative LF - get a PCR as you may well have Covid. The government website is still not up to date with symptoms.

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