This is it for today

Well Ferd is having another funny turn :( so didn't much feel like taking photos so you get one I did for Instagram earlier.

He whimpered and then stood stock still looking very sorry for him self would not jump up onto the bed wouldn't come downstairs whimpered when he tried, tried to help him onto the bed but he cried in the end I had to pick him up he is now curled up next to me under the duvet with a heat pack and finally settled enough to sleep.

He is obviously in pain with the whole vacant thing, seems like a skeletal or muscular issue but don't know where or what and its baffling as he was charging about jumping off the sofa playing ball not so long ago. This has been the pattern all weekend apparently will ring he vets in the morning and see if we can bump his appointment earlier. I don't even have any metacam I could give him other than the cat strength one so no idea how to work out the right dose :( feel like a helpless mummy

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