Merry Christmas

Well what a fantastic day for the Wildlings. I wasn't well through the night so got around 3hours but I'm glad by morning I was fine to see how excited the Wildlings were. 

They loved their toys and gifts. Harp absolutely loves her pink scooter and her pink goonie ( housecoat). She loved it that much she played outside in her jammies and Goonies. The boys are over the moon with their hoverboards and kart's. They're only allowed to use them sitting on the kart part. 
My in-laws had a good day with us. We had a buffet lunch and then a small Xmas dinner. 
The Wildlings are not long upstairs in bed chilling out and will hopefully sleep soon so I can go to bed. 

U hope you have all had a lovely day. 

These photos show how happy the bigger ones are with their new sweaters and Minecraft hats. 

Merry Christmas my friends.  Xx 

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