Without the fallen fronds

The good growing weather of the last few months, and the current dryness, seems to have resulted in many fern, Ponga and Nikau fronds falling. Sometimes into the undergrowth on the bank, and at other times onto the open space of what might be termed a lawn, but in reality is an open space with a mixture of grass, weeds, and bare patches.

After lunch today, I spent two hours clearing this all away and creating a pile near the boundary between our land and the council land between us and the local Reserve, where children can play. The reserve is up a steep bank covered in all sorts of plants, which acts as something of a barrier.

Not an effective one when the children are old enough to ignore it, and use the bank, the open space, the path by the house and the driveway as part of a great circuit for chasing each other. What was more effective was a polite request to not use our place for running.

There was no pre-effort photo, only this one to show relative order. Not too much; S and I still recall visiting an older cousin of mine and their garden was full of straight lines and trimmed plants. Which confirmed us in our preference for a garden that is more relaxed.

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