B.A.C.K. to Basics

By AmyT

It’s Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Wow, did this one sneak up on us quickly! The morning was a quiet one, with the kids waking around 8, a quick breakfast and we started opening gifts. Because we take our time unwrapping, we actually took an intermission to refill coffee, go to the bathroom and put wood in the fire. All in all, we took about 3 hours to unwrap. It was awesome!

The rest of the day was spent organizing, setting up and enjoying our new gifts. A few Christmas movies and a family dinner.

It was completely different this year however, as Mom and Dad are in Florida and very busy with their friends. We didn’t talk to them until later tonight via FaceTime. Bob & Christine disagree with our personal choices regarding the jab and therefore have avoided all contact with us. It’s hurtful and difficult to understand their justification, but it is what it is. We felt the division today, validated those feelings and will grow closer because of it. Still sad though, as the day is for Family and mine have chosen to distance rather than gather.

Thankful for my amazing husband and incredible kids for making my Christmas happy and bright.

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