
I still have no voice. I decided a trip to Boots to get some medicines was going to be my outing today. I had been taking Benylin at night but it wasn't working, not surprising as its use by  date was 2013!!! But needs must. I listen to the radio through my Alexa downstairs so when I asked it to play my radio station it said 'I detect whisper mode. would you like whisper mode on?' My reply was 'No!" but it said "Now!!!' Freaky. But at least I could listen to my music. A trip to Boots and I got supplies. This afternoon another film, Love Actually. Really enjoyed it. 
Apart from talking to Alexa and the Boots assistant (about 4 words) I have rested my voice, easy when you live alone and with What's app who needs to talk?  Hope I sleep better tonight and the voice is better tomorrow. 
Thank you for all the lovely comments and stars.

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