A Grand Day Out

The deed is done, the majority of the gifts made it past unboxing day and everyone went home, or at least to someone's home. Santa and Snowman felt they'd earned their day at the funfair before going back into the garage attic... Eagerly, they sat in their seats waiting for the ride to start. Are you holding on tight, says Santa. I think I've wet myself, replies Snowman.

A quiet day. In fact the house feels very quiet, and we've not the energy to try and wake it up. A long walk in the fields and along the river and back for another snooze. Time enough for noise and busyness in a day to two, when Johnson calls a new shutdown in England to start 2022 in style.

Thanks for your kind - mostly kind ;-) - comments on yesterday's photo. Outside of family, the photograph of a family grouping tends not to be all that interesting. We did our best. I can't remember the last time I could pose with my kids and their partners and even a grandchild, nor when next I might have the chance.

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