Quiet day at home

Luca and Eben were with us for the morning, then Ruth came for lunch and took Eben off for a shopping trip in the afternoon (buying tarpaulins for a job at the farm).
Luca's got a bit of a cold, and was quite happy with a day indoors. These days he loves to leaf through a familiar story book, going over his own version of the story as he does so.
A peaceful day.
In contrast, my glimpses of the headlines today, mostly on Radio 4 as I drove back from dropping Luca off at home for tea, have been universally dismal. Gobsmacking Covid numbers in the UK: over 180,000 today. More reports about the emerging effects of climate change.  If - in terms of the latter - places like New York and Boston start to experience damaging storms more intensely and more frequently, can we hope that more people might be won over to tackling climate change at last?

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