
We went to Warwick this morning as I had a hospital appointment, just an INR check and a look over my wound following the haematoma op last week.  There's still a lump on my chest, though it's not so large and the nurse assured me it was not a hematoma and would go down.....eventually. 

From there we went for a coffee at The Farm.

After lunch Ann went on one of her long walks, whilst I embarked on on a slower, shorter one.  I decided to go up Hansell Farm Hill with a view to finding a suitable landscape for today's Wide Wednesday hosted by BobsBlips. 

By the time I reached the top of the hill I was quite depressed.   The last time I went up Hansell Hill there were fields suitable for wildlife on both sides of the path.  Today most of it is fenced off, dug up and devastated.  Full of mud and water-filled potholes, some the size of lakes, it is reminiscent of a World War 1 battlefield.   Eventually there will be yet more housing here, the size of a good sized village.  So yet more greenbelt destroyed by the developers. 

I took a few photos on the way up but decided not to show off the chaos and managed this shot towards Stratford and Holy Trinity Church.  At least the fields at the top of the hill are still in their natural state.

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