The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Fledborough Church

Still on the hunt for buildings for Assignment Three. Hence our local church. I quite like this shot!

An early rise, having slept fitfully the 4.45am call of the alarm wasn't so much of a surprise than an irritant. I walked the girls and we were out the door at half five, Paul at the station for ten to six and I was buying silver foil is the Co-op and ready to train at the gym by half past!

Training done, I went in to Lincoln via Sainsbury's for a few bits that the Co-op doesn't have. Like fruit - really?! Parked up by my new school so that I could take some photos of the cathedral and art gallery. Took my watch for a new battery and found that it doesn't need one - it winds up when I move it. Felt like a doofus!

Home via the hand car wash (they did a rubbish job) to do some work. Then off out again for a massage - god I needed it, my legs were killing me - and to collect Paul from the station. Dog walk, filleted a whole salmon, cooked it and parcelled it up for the freezer...cooked dinner and now, blipping and doing some doctorate work. My article is ready for publication but the typesetter isn't happy with the quality of diagrams...back to the drawing board, as they say!

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