Moor Sunset

Today was busy, so busy (which is of course good...), but I'm glad I had a holiday recently to recharge, and I'm glad I can get out after work to indulge in a bit of quiet time to put daily events into order and perspective.

I can totally understand how some people like to get home, feet up, TV on and chill out. That works for me sometimes too. And I can totally understand how anyone would think it's madness to go out into the cold, walking through muddy fields and whatever else, after a day of non stop brain work.

But really, for me anyway, this is relaxation. I don't really understand meditation in the stereotypical sense of sitting on a cushion in a corner with your eyes closed while you empty your mind. But only because that doesn't work for me - my mind wanders too easily, but I'm sure it works for others. For me, walking, even down a street, but preferably along natures paths, lets my mind wander in different ways. If I have to solve a problem, it's common for me to be able to solve it by not trying to solve it, and by getting into nature and letting my mind wander totally at will.

And it often wanders into some daft places, but sometimes I get a lightbulb moment :o)

It's a bit like driving. You know when you drive a road that's so familiar to you, you sometimes reach the destination with no recollection of the journey. Because you've gone into a kind of meditation but remained fully alert.

Gear does help - if you're worried about getting cold or wet, or bothered about getting a bit of mud on your boots, then you're not going to relax. You're going to keep looking back to your warm car and thinking about TV and duvets.

Can you tell I'm in a mind wandering mood?...?

Anyway - enough now. Hope you like this scene. There was beautiful light tonight and I could have watched it for ages.

But I forgot my gloves.

And my hands were bloody freezing!!!





Edit: Oh Hey - a year ago it was snowing!! It's not *so* unusual for this time of year :o)

Edit 2: If you only do one more thing tonight, please read this inspirational poem by a brave young lady who sadly passed on last week.

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