
By Honeythedog

Years end

This is the village Christmas tree, we walked down to it after walking at the reservoir. It’s a nice place to sit, if the evening is dry, which it hasn’t for most of December.
Darren doesn’t make new year’s resolutions, if you want to start something there are 365 days in the year which are equally as good as the 1st of January, and besides January is such a bleak month who in there right mind would decide to give up chocolate or drink, you need those things to get through January:-)
2022 can’t possibly be as bad as the last 2 years, the last year In particular as been quite poor for Darren but we live in hope that the future is better.
A quote Darren likes goes like this “ Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you start” so wherever you are in life, rock bottom or top of the pile, we hope the new year heralds continued happiness or gives you the chance too feel it.
Happy new year everyone x

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