First Overdone Sunset of 2022

After getting to bed at about one thirty it was up and at 'em early to get the lunch table ready. We had a fab time with Sheol and Cathy with a salmon lunch with all the trimmings (and a delicious mushroom soup starter that Janet made from scratch, although I didn't pick the mushrooms)...

A post-lunch walk helped the digestion, but as the light was fading fast the options were limited. I fired off a set of HDR frames across the millpond at Huntingford, and the processing has clearly overdone the sunset. But a pleasant shot for all that.

I trust you've all had the most fabulous midwinter holiday. I don't do New Year Resolutions, but I promise I'll scatter my variable photography and wandering waffle all over your screens in 2022, and I look forward to looking at and reading yours too. Stay cool, stay safe, and don't vote Tory.

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