Not Quite To Plan

We hadn’t planned to let the New Year in but fireworks ensured we were awake.

We decided to avoid potential crowds on the coast having heard the number of cars on the Whitby road. So we did a short drive to Levisham for a short circuit on the moors. I rather liked the woolly hat bedecked signpost along the way.

Tom decided to do a training run as it was just getting dark. He rolled his ankle on a kerb and fortunately managed to hobble back home. The ankle was swollen and he was unable to weight bear. A call to 111 resulted in a trip to York A&E. Good to know all my first aid training paid off when I had done all the things the nurse suggested. I was left with Jet whilst R drove Tom to York but is not allowed to go in with him. So off Tom hopped with his face mask and the waiting has begun…….

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