Place: St Pete Beach, FL 70/78
Main activity: Sat - 2022, back, Ft DeSoto
Notes: Awake at the crack again. Did Jan. 1 early morning writing and dozed some. Slow constricted day as back was still not good. Watched a few videos, worked on my puzzle some (when I could find a comfortable position). Joe showed up around 3p and we headed to Ft DeSoto, beautiful weather - watched the kite surfers here by the Sunshine Skyway for awhile, then drove to North Beach, back thru Tierra Verde and the neighborhoods there and then he dropped me at the beach. Hot shower and very stiff and spasm-y night tho they weren't the major knock-the-breath-out ones all day (thank goodness). Quiet night, texted with Joe some and laid on couch.

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