Place: St Pete Beach, FL 62/78
Main activity: Sun - 4dogs, laundry, puzzle
Notes: Awake at 1a-something and then again in the 3a hour and couldn't go back to sleep. Did writing and use heating pad on back. Around 630a, I slid the laundry basket down the stairs (back was giving me enough problems had trouble getting shoes on too). Got to 4dogs and threw dark load in. Took Barney on a short walk, I was stiff and he was acting a little strange but I least got him out in the mostly still dark morning. Did the white load and fed the dogs, had to wait awhile to get everything dry - dogs were so sweet (maybe they could sense I was in pain). Returned to the beach a little after 9a, got a shower, made breakfast. Rest of day was around the condo, finished the sea life puzzle and tidied up a bit. Back would be totally spasming where I couldn't move at times and then mostly ok - bizarre. Texted with Joe some after he had landed in MD and getting ready for a job. 

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