Place: St Pete Beach, FL 47/63
Main activity: Mon - around the condo
Notes: The sea life puzzle (gift from my sis) has been finished and put away as there's no room here and had to assemble it on the floor. Was a fun one! Chilly and windy day for south FL and back still giving me issues. Some big shifts - will not be dog walking for awhile and will be moving my stuff out of 4dogs house. Both of these for myself and setting boundaries with devious and underhanded woman of the house. Hopefully back can fully heal also with time off. Talked to Joe quite a bit as he was in heavy snowstorm and then got stuck in Dahlgren, VA - reserved a hotel room for him nearby when he could go no further and couldn't get anyone on phone (turns out their power was out and again later). Some good epiphanies thru the day. Contacted Amy Satori about possible networking remote work.

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