
By Brotographer


A good day in Paris. Morning and afternoon were spent at the BCG office meeting some interesting people. Does my career lie in strategic consulting? I guess I'll have to figure that one out. The more I learn about different industries and businesses, the more I realize there are so many career pathways I could take through life. Decisions are daunting, that's one thing I've learned this year.

Went for dinner at a brasserie with Ines in the evening. Considering we spent four whole years together, its been incredibly easy remaining good friends. Needless to say it was great to see her and catch up properly on everything that's been going on in the last year!


About the photo, Ines has always made for a nice portrait subject. This is on the stairs in front of our old school, a place we all seem to come back to when we're around. Considering how much time we spent there back in the days, whether day or night, its no wonder. That's the river Seine at the end of the street and the Eiffel Tower is around the corner.

The colors have been tearing me apart, what with the mixture of incandescent and fluorescent lights. Black and white gives it a very classic look, which looks great but I wanted to stick to color for this one.
So hey, let me know if they look awful or wrong on your screen please.


Tomorrow its off to do some catamaran sailing and instructing in the south of france, so I'll be out for a week. Its gonna be soooo good and probably soooo cold!


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