Living my dream

By Mima


No wonder I love this dog so much! She melts my heart.

The dinner last night was a rare treat…no cooking :-) However, some of the company was tiresome.

The man of the house enjoys picking an argumentative debate with me so that he can score points and put me down. He goads me until I bite, which he usually succeeds in doing. And I then end up in a debate that is quickly manoeuvred into one side against the other and the afore-mentioned point scoring ensues. I hate it with a passion…it’s never a useful discussion and I usually end up feeling I’ve been suckered once again.

So yesterday I decided to remain cool, calm and unengaged…to the increasing bewilderment and ultimate anger of the man of the house. I was accused of being antisocial because I wouldn’t discuss things with him! Fortunately both his wife and daughter told him not to be a dick and I remained polite, patient and a little aloof from him. My evening was a whole lot more enjoyable as a result.

As an interesting aside, the man of the house is desperately keen for Bean to sit next to him so that he can stroke her. She will go give him a sniff and maybe allow a pat, but no more. I think she’s got pretty good judgement!

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