Bassenthwaite Lake.

This is the only lake in the Lake District.  All the other lakes are water or mere.  Today started icy.  Defrosted the car and away to Bassenthwaite I went.  On this photo I concentrated on the land around the lake shore and buildings.  There is a small church not far from the water and nearly surrounded by trees.  This photo, and others, were taken approximately 9am when the sun was coming over the mountains (Fells.)  I also added long exposure too.  A good start, which got worse.  I had damaged my knee somehow.  Walking can be managed, but trying to bend my leg is a pain.  In fact I was told to keep mobile and that is what I did.  Gear changing can be managed.  When I returned home I noticed one knee was twice the size  of the other. A quick phone call to the surgery and a practice nurse arranged an appointment for me.  Pills to reduce swelling were prescribed.  Leg is raised while I write this.  The doctor didn't mention continuing with specific knee exercises, but if they strengthen the muscles around the knee, they will be done possibly through gritted teeth!!  We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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