
By DonnaWanna

It Looked Good Enough To Eat

I passed by this bush on our walk this morning and did a double take. The little buds caught my eye because they were so beautiful. The colour was vibrant and the way they were all packed inside each little bud ready to spring out was really amazing! I felt like I wanted to eat them as they looked like raspberry liquorice!

It was hard to get a good focused shot because Jake wasn't happy about stopping so I stood on his lead in the end and got a perfect shot :0)

It's an autumn blooming bottlebrush and there were a lot of bees around taking advantage of the fully opened flowers.

Swan update: when we reached the pond this morning Mr and Mrs Swan were way over the other side lurking in the shadows.

I had a feeling they knew what time we normally came through and were waiting until we had gone. We walked on a bit further and then doubled back, sleuthing as it were....they were still far far away :(

Better luck tomorrow, we'll be a little later than usual because its Saturday which may be enough to fool them and I'm going to take some bread with me too just in case I get a chance to get close!

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