Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Venn or Van diagram?

I'm going through a not sleeping phase again, it doesn't matter but it does make getting going in the morning a problem. Partly as a result of a poor night and also partly because I'm trying to do as requested by the FM, I didn't go to church. I did miss it though.
Dad was on back shift today so the girls were here again today, arriving at lunch time. Today we had sausages in brioche finger rolls. Eilidh confessed she wasn't so keen on brioche rolls, but she said it was all about the sausages really and she liked them! Result!
They had great fun playing outside, Eilidh was wearing her jeans and a warm fluffy jumper she'd been given for Christmas. Isobel was wearing a summer playsuit.... shorts basically, but with thick tights and a warm jumper underneath!
She has her own style that young lady. It all looked particularly fetching when coupled with her knee length boots. They played happily in the garden for about an hour after lunch - no coats and it was freezing but they were quite happy. I'd forgotten how hardy children can be.
They had great fun going round all the pots and buckets in the garden and collecting the ice disks which had formed on them (it really was cold, this was about 2.30 in the afternoon and there was no risk of them thawing out). I rather liked the way Isobel had arranged the toy cars on top, verging on the mathematical! She knows where in the garage I put the toys they've outgrown and regularly gets them to play with outside.
Hot chocolate and marshmallows were waiting when they came in, along with a Christmas Quality Street. Great fun. Katy came and picked them up on her way home from work in time for tea.
Back to school for them both tomorrow.
This evening Colin and I caught up with the next two episodes of "La tour du monde en dix-huit jours" ! I prefer this David Tennant version to the French home reader I first read at school.
Update on yesterday's blip of a bee drone, one of the wings broke last night and they appear to be non - replaceable. Which is a shame as they do come in sections ready to be assembled - so spare parts could easily be made available. Eilidh is careful with her toys yet it lasted just over 24 hours so I'm not sure I can actually recommend it, fun though it was while it lasted.
Stay safe folks, I continue to test daily.

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