Back to school, circa 2022

Ottawacker Jr.'s first day back at school, remote-learning style. (I half expect a portly Korean to start dancing at this moment in time.)

I realized he had the monitor I need for my basement workstation and without it I can't do much of what I need - so I stayed up till almost 2 working on various stuff. The collapsed on the spare basement bed, waking up every five minutes panicking in case I couldn't get the monitor up to him in time for school... somehow, around 6, I fell into a deep sleep and missed Mrs. Ottawacker coming down to tell me I'd not taken the monitor up... thankfully she is more capable than I...

Awoke around 11, feeling like death... managed to rouse myself and went to interrupt Ottawacker Jr.'s class.... What? Don't all parents wander through the living room in tee-shirt and boxers? Apparently not...

Translation, lunchtime workout with the ever-willing O. Jr., then cooked pork tenderloin for dinner. My 2022 "get on the wagon" resolution is perhaps the least successful of all of my New Year's resolutions...

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