Water dragon

We got up early this morning and headed for another day of exploring. We went in and out of National Park and it was another scorcher. We made sure that we didn't spend too long in the national park, as we wanted to be able to let Abe out to cool down in the creek.

We found an idyllic spot to camp for the night; completely to ourselves and so very pretty. We donned our bathers and went for a swim in the creek. Until I was accosted by a rather large huntsman spider and decided I'd had enough swimming for a while.

We watched the thunder and lighting, which brought no rain and then the beautiful stars once the sun went down. It really was a relaxing and special night. Abe went to bed early and missed it all, but I guess he was tired! 

We spotted a heap of these water dragons as we did our creek crossings. MrB took this shot with my macro lens, with the wrong settings, out of his window. I was impressed that he got some sharp images as he had no idea how to drive my camera! I was too far away from them. He did a good job.


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