
I'm being bad because I took this photo of Lincoln yesterday and the painting is now taped to my kitchen cupboard. I absolutely love this and how happy he is with it. Lincoln comes home with at least 50 drawings a week from school. This painting is being kept forever. 

It's been a busy day so far. I've been quite grumpy as Lincoln woke everyone up at 4am this morning. So I am knackered. I did manage to get them back over but Carson was awake till half 5ish. 
We have just been to see nana and grandad. It's Nana's birthday tomorrow so we delivered presents and had cake today. 

Mr R is making his chilli dish tonight. He doesn't do enough cooking anymore so if he makes this dish there is enough for a couple of nights. I don't mind having a few fat meals. I've lost weight this week. Thank goodness, and his chilli taste's amazing. I'm hoping though he has it made at a normal time and not like 9pm. 

Hope it's been a lovely day for you all. X 

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