This is the day

By wrencottage

Meet Beaklet ...

I was delighted to meet Sid, Mrs HCB's new addition to her 'gang' this morning, so I thought maybe it would be nice to introduce my friend Beaklet to fellow blippers. He's been my constant companion for years, and has survived the indignity of being dangled out of an upstairs window, or in the loo cistern, or left upside down in a hiding place, all of which insults were perpetrated by one or other of my three sons ... 

He comes away on holiday with us and has even been known to be covered with a tissue and 'put to bed' by one of the housekeepers at a hotel where we used to stay on an occasional basis, with little notes left for me!

On noting that Mrs. Honeycombebeach shortens her username to Mrs. HCB, it occurred to me that I would rather not shorten mine so I will stick to wrencottage at all times here! 

In actual fact, I use the name "pillarboxcottage" for all other purposes on the internet because that is a name that was coined by a good friend of ours, and is a better description of my house, but I wasn't able to use it on blipfoto because it had one too many characters. Sadly, I don't often see wrens in my garden, which is a shame because they are my favourite bird – small and shy, a bit like me. However, by calling myself wrencottage I can always hope and dream ...

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