Go away, Blipper!

I spotted this wild turkey hen meandering through the park this afternoon. They are usually in flocks, but this one was all by her lonesome. She didn't seem to be going anywhere special. Apparently that only happens at dusk when they head for the tall trees where they roost. However, even though she didn't seem to be heading toward anything in particular, she was heading away from one thing: me (and my camera). Turkeys are skittish birds. If they get a whiff of you, they scamper off in the opposite direction. That explains the rear view of this one. I maneuvered my way around some trees, trying to get a shot from the front, but alas, it wasn't to be. Turkeys may be dumb, or they may not, because this one outsmarted me. Does that say something about the turkey or something about the blipper?

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