A Quick Walk

Last night Hekmat rang to ask me to work tonight. I still don't know what other nights I will be doing this week. This is the most annoying thing with this job - I can't plan my week and end up getting less done than I otherwise could because half the week is virtually gone before I know what my shifts are, Chances are it will be Friday and Saturday again.

Today I was up earlier than I wanted to be because everyone else - cat included - seemed to be going up and down the stairs constantly! Anyhow, I did yoga, had breakfast, showered, partially cleaned the bathroom, got ready for work, had lunch and washed up - not necessarily in this order! I've also been out to send post and have a quick walk in the Arboretum to get my Blip. 

It's good news for Brian as I managed to wash up. Bad news for him that I have no time to do the bins! I'm required to start half an hour earlier than usual tonight - not sure why! Maybe I'll be working with Abdul who has not learned to serve yet!

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