Paint The Stars

By jamieeatworld89


It’s been so long since I’ve uploaded. I’m unfortunately an avid user of Instagram and thus my use of Blipfoto has been sporadic. However, I’m trying to make more use of it as I still feel Blipfoto is more ‘authentic’ than Instagram.

Anyway, I eventually had the surgery I’ve been needing for years on my foot. I had an extremely hyper mobile tarsometatarsal joint (the joint at the mid foot) which resulted in severe pain and deformity. For someone who is/was a very active individual this injury has plagued me for years. The joint has been fused with a metal plate and screws, plus some other cool surgical procedures to stabilise my once over flexible foot. 12 weeks of recovery then repeat the same process on my other foot. One week of recovery so far and it’s been hard. It’s been really hard.

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