Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Evening at Bar Beach

It's been another hot and humid day.   I will be glad when this humidity packs it's bags and moves on.

A few things accomplished today including buying an incredibly cheap printer that actually connects via wifi to the computer.  The last one which has been poorly for some time and finally turned it's toes up was supposed to do that but never did.  It was recycled so I am feeling virtuous about that.

Bobs theme for today is mono and while there was a bit of colour in the sky, the mono shows those sea mists coming in.  Lots of people out and about picnicking.   I turned around from the dog park as there were so many people there on rugs on the grass and Maggy would have wanted to say hello to every one and she has been known to steal food from picnickers if she is off leash.  Dixon Park it was for her where there were no distractions and we are now home.

Thanks for hosting Bob.

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