Limerick jaunt day 1

Enroute to Limerick we stopped off in Buttevant where a now disused church was opened for us so that we might examine the stained glass, Finola becoming a bit of an expert. The church was had the dampest walls I had ever seen and was freezing, but the glass was lovely especially the little girls with their daisy chain headdresses - seen here as part of a window depicting the Sermon on the Mount.

Several wells were visited including Lady's Well in the extra which had an intriguing statue we were unable to identify. Back in the hotel a spot of googling - saint displaying wound on thigh plus dog - and who should it be but St Roch, my new favourite saint. He is especially invoked against the plague for that is none other than a bubo he is displaying! Whilst helping the afflicted victims he caught the plague himself and took off to a wood to die.  A dog bought him food and licked his wounds and he survived. He is patron saint of an eclectic assemblage including: dogs, bachelors, Istanbul , those wrongly accused, knee problems and epidemics!  The things you discover!

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