A Day of Thaw

As forecast the temperature rose to about 5°C and it rained. Sometime yesterday evening the house shook for a few seconds with a low rumble, and it ended with a THUMP, more felt than heard. That was the snow sliding from our roof. This morning most of the roofs were bare and large snow heaps lay on the ground beneath them.  In the extra is one block of snow hanging over our front door - not a place to hang around!
Once the rain stopped we went for a brief walk. In this picture it looks as if the road is well gritted but that grit is actually useless, covered with a thin transparent layer of new ice, formed when the rain hit the very cold road. Even with our spiked icebugs on our feet we were slipping and sliding a little.  I was out for about an hour and only saw two cars driving these local roads.
However, in the greater scheme of things the weather was no big deal in our part of Sweden. Inland there was torrential rain, flooded hotels, and main roads that turned into skating rings for lorries.
So we won't feel too hard done-by as we put up with our icy roads and slushy snow and wait for proper winter weather to return.

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