
Sunny with a high of 44 deg F and expected low of 36 deg F. A milder day for sure. Hubby left before 7 am to get his annual blood draw at a nearby lab. I walked down to my neighbor’s garden to get this shot of his heavenly bamboo. He has many such shrubs but this one has the most berries by far. We had quite a productive day. All the decorations, except a small tree I found in the living room, are boxed and upstairs. I cleaned one of the spare bedrooms that was cluttered with Christmas boxes, packing material, etc.; it looks great again. We did routine housework and hubby put away the spotlights outside. He’ll take down the window wreaths tomorrow. My biggest and most successful task was matching tops and bottoms of our plastic leftover containers. Everyone cleans their cabinets and sends all the unmatched containers here. They get separated during the year as we send food between our homes. I found many sets. Hubby traded our son a bag of containers for a bowl of breakfast casserole. A win-win. Hubby’s biggest success today was fixing our bedroom tv. We had put that set in the basement, thinking the color was ruined. We brought it back upstairs for the kids to use. For the heck of it, today he decided to check the settings and found out they were a mess. Once he reset them, the picture is perfect again. So glad we didn’t throw it out when it first went wacko. He also readied our wood burning fireplace so we can enjoy a cozy evening in the living room soon. My sister is still feeling dizzy but she has an appointment to be checked out early next week. My cousin is being released from the hospital so the new meds must have worked. We had 281 new cases in the last 24 hours. My grandson tested negative; he gets to go on the Vermont ski trip - yay! Stay safe. Thanks for the visit, stars and comments. “For I shall bring you crimson leaves And rippling wheat in golden sheaves; A cache of berries, red and sweet, And dappled deer on silent feet." - Emma Delagardie and Augustus Whittlesby, Americanus: A Masque in Three Parts - Lauren Willig

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