I was woken just after 6 by a phone call from my Mum. She was upset. So I went up earlier than usual to the hospital to try and help her. I showered and washed and styled her hair , and put on her new pyjamas I got for her yesterday. Friday is the usual day Mum usually goes to the hairdressers.
We did a new word puzzle called Wordle . We managed to get the word in 3 attempts. So we were pleased. Then I helped Mum write a letter to Meg, a friend from university ( friends for 70 years !! )
After lunch I went for a lovely walk with Jill around Castle Loch . A grey damp day , but still with its own beauty. There were lots of geese in the middle of the Loch , which is something I’ve not noticed before.
My son is coming home this evening so it will be good to see him. Time for a wee rest now before heading back to the hospital to see Mum .

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