It's like summer?!

After spending all of last week moaning about rain................... the last few days have been positively summer like.

When I went for my first thing in the morning walk, the sunrise was absolutely amazing. (See extras) I had a lovely play on the beach and dug myself a big hole. Yay!

The rest of the day has been taken up with my human doing 'outdoor jobs'. She doesn't really like to do outdoor jobs until the spring but the weather has been so lovely that she thinks that visitors to our house might want to sit outside in the next couple of months. Anyway she got rid of all the dead plants and all the solar powered lights that had died and put up a couple of new hanging baskets and some new solar powered lights out the front. And guess what?.................. they work. Yay. (See extras)

…................And in other news................... It would appear that life in 'Downing Street' during lock down was just one long party.....................

My human has just had a conversation with a friend in Scotland who said that her 'writing group' is going back to 'Zoom meetings' obv Boris doesn't know what a zoom meeting is?! LOL because there's more than 3 households in the group??

Ann isn't that conscientious................... What's good for the PM is good for her????  Having said that, if she is meeting friends who are over 70 years old, she does a LFT.   Mmmmmmm..................... she brought a box of LFTs with her from Edinburgh and has used half of it. It would seem that the chemists in St Ives are just as short of the testing kits as they are in Scotland?!!

Oh well, hey ho. Onwards and upwards. As far as my human is concerned this isn't a Pandemic any more. It's an Epidemic. Let's just all learn to live with it??!!!

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