
My "lunch" break was at 11am today, which is far too early to eat anything sensible, so I went for a walk down by the river instead. It was very peaceful down there, and I saw a pair of swans, a heron and some mallard ducks. The half hour went past in a flash and then it was time to return to the cafe, where my job was to meet and greet customers, take them to their tables and serve their drinks and cakes, working alongside a trainee. The cafe was busy but not so busy that we didn't have time to talk to customers or to each other. My trainee was telling me how he is taking part in Veganuary and experimenting with cooking new recipes for his evening meals. He had also completed a challenge to cycle 2,000 miles in 2021. 

I've managed to walk 4 miles today in dribs and drabs; my legs are a bit sore from yesterday's shenanigans. 

And now it's the weekend! have a good one, everybody, whatever you're up to :-)

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