A day in the life

By Shelling


One of the most hectic days in a long time is finally over and I'm now installed in my new home.

I had helpers, six of them actually, so the actual packing of the trailer was really fast and smooth. A friend of mine brought his small trailer as well which made us only having to do two trips and we were done. I had hired the van for four hours and we were ready in good time before that and had plenty of time for a fika, coffee and a sandwich, before giving the trailer back.

This morning I thought that I at least knew what todays blip was going to look like, people carrying boxes and pieces of furniture to fill a trailer but, when the day was over, I realised that not a single picture had been taken.
The big moving day has to be represented by this empty living room from the house I've spent five years in. It's an equally good leaving-picture I think.

I'm too tired to comment your blips tonight. I'll catch up later. Good night to you all.

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