Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Carrion Crow

Still dark outside at this time of year. Surprised the ground was quite damp, Sunny spells once the sun has risen (about 08:35am) A nice looking sky and the Pentland Hills are a looking a little moody. Shame I have to work. At least it is Friday so it is the good caffeine from the local Italian café.

Don't really get out for a walk, as partner has a parcel due for delivery (this company gave the slot between 08:00 and 20:00). Thankfully twin 2 comes home from work early, the shop is quiet post Christmas, so I manage a quick 20 minute walk. I spot crows on a tree, and the blip is the best photo taken.

A bit more work in the afternoon before I can knock off for a bike ride. By then the clouds have rolled in and the bike ride is done under dark clouds and occasional patches of mizzle. Welcome to the weekend.

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