Indie has arrived

Last Sunday we drove to South Wales to meet a cat that Helena had heard needed rehoming. Ever since our lovely Bomble died last summer we have been waiting for the right moment to invite a new cat into the home.

Indie (formerly ‘India’) is a much loved four year old pedigree Bombay, who has had three litters, and having been neutered was now finding it hard to live in a household with other cats, a dog and a young family. We liked her on first meeting and agreed to bring her to a new home with us.

Since arriving she has been quite frightened at times, but has already begun settling in very well, once she could relax with us and receive lots of attention. Now a few days later after a few escapades, where she climbed to the highest points in any room and slept on the top of the highest shelves for a few hours., she is more at ease. Sudden movements and loud noises make her very wary, but we are sure she’ll settle in.

When I came downstairs this morning I sensed Indie might be in the room looking out towards the back garden, which we don’t allow her out into yet, so I picked up my camera. As I walked into the kitchen I saw her on the table looking at me. It isn’t a great shot but I want to start my record of Indie’s life with us. I expect there will be many more to come.

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