On top of the fort

Not much sign of the sun today, just a sliver of coloured sky first thing, but it wasn't wet or windy.
After a morning doing things around the house I met up with someone I'd been chatting with online (and met very briefly once) to go for a run. She enjoys trails but is more in my league than those of other members of the running club so invited me on a run she wanted to try out near Perth. I've done variations of it before but not that exact route.
There are 2 hillforts but we only visited one where there are no trees and extensive views, though rather shrouded in mist today. Looking across Perth the mountains are just visible above the mist and Merry, the mini-Herdwick, posed for a pic.
I've started another virtual event and Herdies have become rather symbolic. Merry is about 9cms long and 6 tall so easy to carry (and makes something to photo when the weather isn't brilliant).

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