Silly Spike

Waiting for the foam from my coffee.

They have broken ground on the house next door and have been digging trenches for the foundation, building a giant mound of earth outside our bedroom! I’m assuming it’s temporary. I’m grateful that the excavators they are using do not have beepers! They start work at 7am and I can block out the sound of the excavators but the beepers would drive me spare!

We had great plans for doing some long postponed errands today, but ran out of gas after walking out to meet Dana and Jim with Blake and back home for coffee. John mentioned the ‘c’ word but perked up considerably after a nap. We have one rapid test and were loathe to use it as there are none to be found anywhere and long waits for a pcr. I think I’m just recovering from working myself into a high state of anxiety during the week.

A relaxing evening at home with a couple of episodes of ‘Queer Eye’ and Otolenghi’s chicken/zucchini meatballs from the Jerusalem cookbook beckons…

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