Wheels of the Bus

Eight times in an hour -- four in one direction, four in the other, except on Sundays.  I haven't memorized the schedules because I never need to be where the bus is going, either way, especially these past two years.

A really grey day.  Really.

Finished Chapter 1, all of 2700 words.  Chapter 2 coming up, with more concentration.  In 2014, Patrick Modiano won the Nobel Prize for Literature.  I've bought all his books since, and devoured them, one after the other.  (Even posted them here, I think).  They've been an inspiration.

Yesterday, AW picked up his car from the garage.  They have been so generous and understanding, and did the best they could, so it's been approved, but they also said we'll be needing another one, maybe even before the year is over.  We knew that even before they said it.  For now, though, it will have to do.

Housework..... gaming..... writing..... not always in that order.

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