Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

T-Wood and Caerketton Craigs

Nice and bright in the morning, however it has been raining overnight, so the roads are pretty wet. On the Sunday morning bike ride, a late start, the initial part is uphill, in to the low sun, which is reflecting off the wet road surface. It is ok after that. The are blue skies and not much wind. I head out to Penicuik and Leadburn to Whim. So just a hill or two on bumpy roads. It is quite cold, so I have thick gloves. I take the thin ones just in case I get too warm. But I don't need to shed an outlayer or the thick gloves. Then I head home via Penicuik, Roslin and the Braid Hills Road for a 30mile ride. There weren't that many cyclists out on the road, but perhaps they knew about the road works at Leadburn.

After lunch, partner and I head up to Swanston for our afternoon walk. It is still sunny, but a breeze has appeared, and so it feels colder than this morning. I get photo of The T-Wood and Caerketton Craigs. Extra 1 shows the direct ascent route of Caerketton Hill. There are three people and a Highland Cow there for scale. The Ochil Hills are visible, but there is a lot of haze, so no mountains, and even North Berwick Law is a bit indistinct.

We have a nice buffet tea, a great way to end the weekend.

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